Reimagining Theological Education in the Shadow of War

Reimagining Theological Education in the Shadow of War: Lessons from the Ukrainian Context… John Stott once said, "The gospel is good news of mercy to the undeserving. The symbol of the religion of Jesus is the cross, not the scales" (The Cross of Christ. InterVarsity Press, 2006). As theological educators in Ukraine, we find ourselves… Continue reading Reimagining Theological Education in the Shadow of War

Людяність як зброя: різні долі, спільний біль…

#БутиЛюдиною. Людяність як зброя: різні долі, спільний біль… В час, коли Україна стікає кров'ю від ран, завданих війною, кожен з нас є її обличчям, її голосом, її серцем. Кожен переживає цю трагедію по-своєму, і кожен має право на свою реакцію на травматичні події. Разом з тим, є певні категорії людей, які, свідомо чи несвідомо, принижують… Continue reading Людяність як зброя: різні долі, спільний біль…

When “Christian Values” Kill: The Color of Blood is Red

For many in Russia and the collective West, it is a matter of perspective. For us, in Ukraine, the perspectives of the collective West and Russia have the color... The color of the blood of killed and murdered and tortured and raped people in Ukraine and other ‘locations’… in the name of the Values is...… Continue reading When “Christian Values” Kill: The Color of Blood is Red

The Destructive Fallacy of “Making Nations Great Again…”

The slogans "Make Russia Great Again,” "Make America Great Again,” or “Make ___ Great Again” may seem like patriotic rallying cries, but these ideologies are deeply destructive for nations that have never been empires... When a country seeks to become "great again," it usually comes at the cost of making other nations "small and miserable… Continue reading The Destructive Fallacy of “Making Nations Great Again…”

The Perils of False Peacemaking… When Neutrality is Complicity…

As the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine rages on, a troubling trend is emerging among Russian Christians and church ministers (and we see it in the Collective Christian West, too). They pray for the end of the war, hoping that Ukraine will cease-fire, believing that this will conclude the war without calling on their own… Continue reading The Perils of False Peacemaking… When Neutrality is Complicity…